efficient sea

Maritime Consultants

Maximum productivity, minimum waste
Whilst offering many opportunities; the maritime industry, particularly in Africa, is an extremely challenging environment.
The sensible solution is to work with experienced and knowledgeable professionals who know what it takes to achieve success.

Efficient Sea are an international maritime consultancy company, providing an extensive range of business solutions, advice and support for clients of all kinds engaged with maritime related projects. Being strategically located in the Canary Islands - the crossroads between South America, Europe and Africa - provides us with excellent maritime and aviation connectivity into Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde and The Gambia.

Having worked with; major shipping lines, feeder services, ship owners, port operators and government agencies, as well as smaller service providers in niche markets, we are able to develop tailor-made solutions to suit individual requirements. Along with our strategic partners; marine engineers, surveyors, and financial experts, we are able to provide solutions from conception and planning through to operations and management in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Services provided include, but are not limited to:

  • Vessel and operational management
  • Maritime economics
  • Transport analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Market analysis and forecasting
  • Network design and modelling

In addition to the above, we also offer operational and technical support to Port Authorities and terminal operators.

Our focus is on solving problems from a practical perspective to deliver real value and ensure sustainable results.

Please contact us if you’re interested in finding out more.

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